We owe it to the men and women who at
the break of dawn at the bus terminals all over the island rise to the occasion
to get us to work on time and with a cup of hot chocolate tea and two fried
dumplings before the hot Jamaican sunrise above the crest of the Blue Mountain
and back home with a sky-juice and a dozen patties to our families and friends
as it sets on the beautiful shores of Negril. If this isn't commitment to
nation-building by the hard-working poor people nothing is. Our leaders need to
get out of bed and go observe honest, hardworking Jamaicans who are holding this
nation together on thin thread by their dedication, they could learn a thing or
two on how "prayer and work conquer all." As a working poor you have
to have god to give you strength to face another day under the hot Jamaican sun
in the midst of crime and corruption in high places.
We are no JLP or PNP, we are one people; "we are not many people out of two political parties" nor "we are out of many one people", "we one people with one aim one destiny" (Silbert 2016)-Vote for Cooperative Democracy for Sustainable Economic Development. We support the middle class of Jamaica not
another class of people to grow business, educate their families, afford health
care and to provide jobs and lift the poor out of poverty. A business-class who
will invest in our productive capacity and not export our capital and profits
to overseas accounts.
To develop a balance model economy
base on the rules of sustainable development where our remittance dollars
doesn't come in through the front door and leave through the back doors with no
investment in local production but rather wasted on imported consumer goods.
This is a great piece, it represents the true spirit of Jamaica, my father the Farmer and my mother was a part of this Jamaica from Musgrave market in Port Antonio to Coronation and Redemption Ground markets in Kingston raising a strong family, a true Jamaican story.